
PauseAI Press materials & media coverage


Joep Meindertsma (joep@pauseai.info


Logo, materials

Our logo and other material can be found in this Google Drive folder

. If you want to create PauseAI-related material yourself, you can use our brand color #FF9416 and the fonts Saira Condensed (700) and Roboto Slab (300, 700).

International Media coverage

Podcasts & Talks

  • Youtube Playlist
    . All the podcasts and talks that can be found on Youtube. The rest of this list are recordings not uploaded to the platform.
  • Clearer Thinking
    : Interview with Joep Meindertsma on why we should pause AI despite arguments against it and emotionally processing high likelihoods of existential risks.
  • Creatives with AI podcast
    : Interview with PauseAI founder Joep Meindertsma.
  • Art of AI podcast
    : Interview with Joep Meindertsma about protesting, psychology of x-risk, AI policy.

National Media coverage